Hun Concentration and Limit and Train the Po DVD


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The form Concentrating the Hun, supports the health and function of the Liver and the Hun (our liver spirit). The spirit sent to the liver is called Hun. – ethereal soul, yang energy. It is responsible for all formless consciousness, as well as the three treasures, jing, qi, shen.

The Chinese ideogram for the Hun, or soul, is made up of two characters: On the left is “cloud” and on the right is “ghost”. These characters tell us that the spirit in the liver is immortal like a ghost, but is also free like a cloud that can float in and out.

The Hun gives us sight in the day and dreams at night. It is responsible for our creative projects, plans, and dreams for the future. To have dreams, goals, and plans is positive, but preoccupation with any of these can cause problems. Because Hun lives in the liver, anything that causes a loss of blood — an operation, childbirth, excessive menstrual flow, etc. — can create a liver blood deficiency that allows the dreamer within us to get out of control, leading to insomnia. The activities of the Hun must be controlled to be healthy.

The form limit and train the Po – supports the health and function of the Lungs and the Po or Lung Spirits. The Po is responsible for our Sensitivity, Animal Nature, instinct, and corporeal soul. It is yin energy and also responsible for our seven emotions.

The Po of the lungs is similar to an animal spirit, controlling bodily rhythms and basic physical instincts. The Po’s primal impulses are behind the behavior patterns of infants. Sexual instincts are also controlled by the Po. The character for Po is written with two characters in Chinese, one meaning “ghost – ?” and one meaning “white – ?.” In this case, “ghost” is an Earth ghost. The Po is considered an inferior spirit, because it is always attached to the body and dies with the body. While the Yuan Shen and Hun ascend at death, Po returns to the Earth element.

The Po includes seven spirits that connect with the seven emotions: anger, worry, fear, excitement/joy, fright, sadness/grief, and anxiety. All emotions ultimately return to sadness/grief, the emotion connected with the lungs, as part of letting go. The Po and the development of the lungs are important when you are practicing Qigong, especially for current physical health. Practicing Qigong also takes us further, by working on reestablishing our connection to all the body’s spirits. This work prepares us to continue life in the spiritual world after death.