South Dipper Six Stars Astrology Qigong with Master Liu He – Livestream

How does the Southern Dipper relate to your life? The "Six Stars of the Southern Dipper" are East of the Milky Way, Northeast of Jisu, the seventh constellation of the Eastern Dragon, the other three are the Southern Vermilion Bird, the Western White Tiger, and the Northern Black Tortoise. The stars near the ecliptic are […]

Yin Yang Five Elements of Ba Zi with Master Liu He – Livestream

Yin Yang Five Elements of BaZi BaZi is a form of Chinese astrology that dates back thousands of years. A BaZi chart uses the information (birth year, month, date and hour) to interpret the destiny, personality, potential relationships, strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities (of a person, business, or country). The chart can reveal the influences in their […]

Fall/Winter Class Series Hulu “Golden Gourd” Qigong with Master Liu He – Livestream

The oldest Daoist name for qigong is “conserve the Qi in a bottle.” In ancient China, dried gourds were used as containers for hot water, tea, or hot wine during the winter. Because they retained the taste and temperature of what they held, gourds were also used in Chinese medicine to hold herbs. The power […]

Feng Shui Forecasting 2025 with Master Liu He – Livestream

LEARN PRACTICES AND PLACEMENT TO NAVIGATE THE WOOD SNAKE YEAR! Master Liu He will provide students with practices to engage and highlight the positive energies and eliminate/harmonize the negative energies in a house or office. In this 4-hour Qi Zoom livestreamed class, Master Liu He will show you the best remedies and activators for health […]