South Dipper Six Stars Astrology Qigong with Master Liu He – Livestream

How does the Southern Dipper relate to your life? The "Six Stars of the Southern Dipper" are East of the Milky Way, Northeast of Jisu, the seventh constellation of the Eastern Dragon, the other three are the Southern Vermilion Bird, the Western White Tiger, and the Northern Black Tortoise. The stars near the ecliptic are […]

Yin Yang Five Elements of Ba Zi with Master Liu He – Livestream

Yin Yang Five Elements of BaZi BaZi is a form of Chinese astrology that dates back thousands of years. A BaZi chart uses the information (birth year, month, date and hour) to interpret the destiny, personality, potential relationships, strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities (of a person, business, or country). The chart can reveal the influences in their […]

Cours Hebdomadaires: QIGONG de L’ASTROLOGIE des 9 Etoiles Volantes de la Grande Ourse

QIGONG de L'ASTROLOGIE des 9 Etoiles Volantes de la Grande Ourse Cours Hebdomadaires: 25 Septembre; 2,9, 16, 23, 30 October; 6,13 Novembre 2024 Horaires: Mercredi de 19h30 à 21h00 (horaires de l’Europe) Cette année, comme c'est une année de transition pour les prochains 20 ans, beaucoup des gens sont perdu dans le noir et ne retrouvent […]