Feng Shui Forecasting 2024 with Master Liu He – Livestream

Year of 2024 ushers in a majestic representation of the Dragon, the EMERALD Dragon. This Dragon leads us into a new 20 year cycle (2024-2044) called period 9, beginning on Lichun, February 4, 2024. Each period is associated with a specific trigram and influenced by a particular Star. Master Liu He will provide students with […]

Jin Guang Da Dao (Golden Road) Qigong with Master Liu He-Livestream

*** Sixth Sense Bank ***  With the success of the past Sense Bank classes (Smell, Hearing, Sight, Touch, Taste), Master Liu He has developed a Sixth Sense Bank. Have you experienced a dream that has come true? Or do you happen to think or say something at the same time as someone else? Have you […]

Qigong and Daoist Nutrition for Winter/Spring with Master Liu He – Livestream

Qigong for Eye Health! Kick off the new Year with these NEW ERA vision-changing Qigong classes! New Years bring new intentions and perspectives; we invite you back to yourself through this livestream course to reinforce your healthy life style choices and habits. Enroll and bring new vision to your life.   Daoist Nutrition for the […]

Great Dipper Nine Flying Star Astrology Qigong with Master Liu He-Livestream

Our Annual Online Spring Retreat! PURCHASE THE COURSE RECORDING BELOW! There are NINE (9) Stars within the Great Dipper constellation. Each of these STARS are associated with a specific Trigram and influenced by a particular STAR during a 20-year cycle. From 2024 to 2044, we are in the period of the 9th Star, known as […]

FREE – Lantern Festival Class with Master Liu He – Livestream

Join Master Liu He on the Lantern Festival Day for First Dragon Lunar Meditation. This will be a 60 minute CLASS starting at 8:15am Pacific Time via Qi Zoom (in English). No need to register, click on the link below or log on at the time indicated. Please adjust to your time zone.   Join […]

Pearl of the Moon & Blue Meditation with Dr. Liu Dong – Livestream

Pearl of the Moon is a powerful Qigong form that is specific for eye issues. Passed down from generations in the Liu family,  it is a form for activating Liver blood, waking up Kidney Jing, and nourishing the eyes. Furthermore, it helps to reset the signals of 12 cranial nerves, especially the IInd, IIIrd, IVth, […]

Magic Square Abdominal Qigong Spring/Summer Class Series with Master Liu He – Livestream

Join Master Liu He for this timely class series! 2024 is the Year of the Wood Dragon. The Wood Dragon is known to dominate the Earth and potentially cause earthquakes, leading to insecurity and instability. Within Chinese medicine theory, the Earth element is associated with our digestive system, which can be challenged and/or weakened by […]

FREE Dragon Day Class with Master Liu He – Livestream

Mark your calendars for May 4th, a SPECIAL DRAGON DAY that occurs only once every 60 years. This day aligns with the Dragon Year, Dragon Month, and Dragon Day. To honor this exceptional day, Master Liu He is offering a FREE CLASS! See below for the link and information. Reset your mind, body, and spirit […]

Yi Jing & Hexagram for 2024 with Master Liu He (Livestream)

Hexagram 55: Abundance CLASS RECORDING AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE Access for 4 weeks! PURCHASE HERE $39 REGISTRATION FULL - CONTACT FOR WAIT LIST Thunder Trigram over Fire Trigram The hexagram of 2024 signifies THUNDER and FIRE, indicating that these elements characterize this year. But what does THUNDER and FIRE symbolize? "The emperor emerges from shock; thunder […]

South Dipper Six Stars Astrology Qigong with Master Liu He – Livestream

How does the South Dipper relate to your life? The "Six Stars of the South Dipper" are East of the Milky Way, Northeast of Jisu, the seventh constellation of the Eastern Dragon, the other three are the Southern Vermilion Bird, the Western White Tiger, and the Northern Black Tortoise. The stars near the ecliptic are […]