Feng Shui 2023 Forecasting with Master Liu He – RECORDING Now Available

Black Rabbit Walks into the Blue Dragon's Cave-Class Recording Now Available for Purchase IN ENGLISH ONLY The year of the Water Rabbit begins January 22, 2023, and ends February 9, 2024. What will the 2023 Water Rabbit Year bring us?Master Liu He recently taught about the 2023 Nine Flying Stars influence for the Year of the Water Rabbit. […]

Cherry Blossom Qigong & Daoist Wisdom for Liver Detoxification with Master Liu He-Livestream

Special offering! 16.5 hour course featuring Cherry Blossom Qigong & Daoist Wisdom for Liver Detoxification! Cherry Blossom Qigong  - January 22, 2023 (Chinese New Year Day!) (9am-1:30pm Pacific)    What a special day to wake up your internal cherry blossom for the Rabbit year! In addition, Master Liu He will teach how to write a Talisman […]

Cherry Blossom Qigong with Master Liu He-Livestream

Cherry Blossom Qigong  – January 22, 2023 (Chinese New Year Day!) (9am-1:30pm Pacific)    What a special day to wake up your internal cherry blossom for the Rabbit year! In addition, Master Liu He will teach how to write a Talisman for your own home! Tied to Asian culture, mindfulness, and living in the present, cherry […]

Spring Retreat: Qi Men Dun Jia-Quantum Healing with Master Liu He – Livestream

Special offering! 20-hour Master Qi Key course featuring Qi Men Dun Jia and Internal Landscaping! Walk with Master Liu He in this 20-hour Master Qi key course. She will take you on a road to connect the Three Magnificent Energies and receive a key for the 8 Different Doors to be used in the next 20 years. March […]

Mien Shiang – Lecture et auto-massage du visage pour la santé Via Zoom, en français

Horaires: de 16h00 – 20h00 Mien Xiang est une pratique vieille de près de 5 000 ans. Le terme signifie lecture du visage (mien) (shiang). C'est l'une des cinq branches de la médecine taoïste. Cette forme d'art complète d'autres études métaphysiques telles que le Ba Zi (lecture du destin) et le Feng Shui (étude de la terre). […]

Xiu Zhen Tu Diagram of the Cultivation of Reality and Qigong with Master Liu He – Livestream

Diagram of the Cultivation of Reality (Xiu Zhen Tu) and Qigong Xiu Zhen means “to practice and learn the way of the truth.” It is a Daoist diagram of the human body illustrating the principles of Neidan "Internal alchemy", Chinese astrology, and cosmology. Many internal landscaping teachings including this map show: 24 Jie Qi, 28 Constellations, 30 […]

Talisman Qigong & Drawing with Master Liu He Livestream

In this class, you will learn a Qigong form and how to create/draw a talisman for your home. Drawing on Nine Flying Star Feng Shui and Yi Jing principles, Master Liu He will lecture on the use of talismans for harmonizing with the energies of the year! What you will learn:  FORM:  qigong form for […]

FREE – Great Turn Winter Solstice Class with Master Liu He-Livestream

  During the past four years, our world has undergone significant changes and transformations. In order to actively engage in this period of immense transition, it is essential for us to tap into our inner lights. Master Liu He recognizes the importance of this and is offering a FREE 60-minute Winter Solstice class. This session […]

Feng Shui Forecasting 2024 with Master Liu He – Livestream

Year of 2024 ushers in a majestic representation of the Dragon, the EMERALD Dragon. This Dragon leads us into a new 20 year cycle (2024-2044) called period 9, beginning on Lichun, February 4, 2024. Each period is associated with a specific trigram and influenced by a particular Star. Master Liu He will provide students with […]

Great Dipper Nine Flying Star Astrology Qigong with Master Liu He-Livestream

Our Annual Online Spring Retreat! PURCHASE THE COURSE RECORDING BELOW! There are NINE (9) Stars within the Great Dipper constellation. Each of these STARS are associated with a specific Trigram and influenced by a particular STAR during a 20-year cycle. From 2024 to 2044, we are in the period of the 9th Star, known as […]