Diamond Medical Qigong for Breast Health with Master Liu He

This course will bring you insights of Taoist Medicine and Breast Health. Full Registration! A woman’s life, as well as today’s man, depends on their breast health. The left breast has a connection with the liver and the right breast with the Lungs. Tan Zhong (CV17) acupoint, located between the breasts, connects with the heart, kidneys, and […]

Winter Begins! “Tune-up” your Kidney Yin Energy with Master Liu He

Purchase the recorded class below!   Full Registration! Please contact us to be placed on the waiting list. Master Liu He teaches us that to fully enjoy the powers of the season is to surrender and learn what it has to offer. Following the winter cycle Taoist life suggestions, allows our body's water to flow […]

Medical Qigong & Gua Sha Hypnosis with Dr. Liu Dong

Join Dr. Liu Dong and learn a Medical Qigong form and Gua Sha Hypnosis to Tonify Kidney Jing. The Big Dipper Medical Qigong form is a Taoist alchemy practice, focusing on the heart and kidney connection. Working to support the Kidney Qi and nourishing the Heart Shen to address symptoms of anxiety and depression. The […]

Jin Guang Da Dao (La Voie de l’OR) – Méditation

Jing Guang Da Dao - Méditation Une méthode pour réveiller votre Sixième Sens                                   ******** Avez-vous déjà vécu un rêve qui est devenu réalité? Ou avez pensé ou dit quelque chose en même temps que quelqu'un d'autre ? Avez-vous déjà contacté quelqu'un qui vous a dit « J'allais justement vous contacter ! » Alors, vous utilisez ce que l'on […]

Medical Qigong for Women’s Health with Master Liu He

RECORDED CLASS OPPORTUNITY Available to purchase until January 15, 2022!   Dai Mai Medical Qigong Recorded Class from December 11, 2021 - 5 hours, Includes form, lecture, handout, and slide presentation. Purchase price $145 for four  (4) weeks of viewing. Read more below... Nourishing Woman Medical Qigong Recorded Class from December 12, 2021 - 5 […]

Feng Shui 9 Flying Star : Tiger Year 2022 with Master Liu He – Livestream

The year of the Water Tiger begins February 1, 2022, and ends January 21, 2023. RECORDING AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE BELOW Registration Full What will the 2022 Water Tiger Year bring us? Master Liu He presents the 2022 Nine Flying Stars influence for the Year of the Water Tiger in order to fully take advantage of […]

Medical Qigong and Taoist Nutrition for Winter/Spring – Livestream with Master Liu He

Special Offering: Live stream Qi-Zoom 9-week course (18 hours) will include:  Full Registration! Kick off the new Year with this life-changing Qigong workshop! The New Year brings new intentions and perspectives; we invite you back to yourself through this livestream course to reinforce your healthy life style choices and habits. Enroll and bring new vision to your life. […]

Cours Hebdomadaires avec Maître Liu He via Zoom

Pour enrichir vos capitaux sensoriels et protéger vos cinq organes internes. Dates: 27, Janvier ; 3, 10, 17, 24 Fevrier ; 3, 10, 17 Mars 2022 Horaires: Jeudi de 19h30 – 21h00(horaires de l’Europe)  Etre riche de sa santé et déployer ses 5 sens Enrichir ses cinq capitaux sensoriels Protéger ses cinq organes internes Maître Liu He […]

Hu Lu “Golden Gourd” Medical Qigong with Master Liu He-Livestream

The oldest Taoist name for qigong is “conserve the Qi in a bottle.” In ancient China, dried gourds were used as containers for hot water, tea, or hot wine during the winter. Because they retained the taste and temperature of what they held, gourds were also used in Chinese medicine to hold herbs. The power […]

Fengshui – Les 9 étoiles volantes pour l’année du Tigre via Zoom

Dimanche 6 Février, 2022 De 16h00 à 20h (horaires de la France) L'année du Tigre d'Eau commencera le 1er février 2022 et se terminera le 21 janvier 2023. Que nous apportera l'Année du Tigre d'Eau 2022 ? Maître Liu He présentera l'influence des Neuf Etoiles Volantes 2022 pour l'Année du Tigre d'Eau afin de profiter […]