Yi Jing and Hexagram for 2023 with Master Liu He-Livestream

Yi Jing (I Ching) Ancient Wisdom of the Chinese Classics Registration Full! Designated as one of the Chinese classics, the Yi Jing (I Ching), also known as the Book of Changes, provides a philosophy of change and that the cosmos is without a beginning or an end. The book discusses cosmic patterns, the relationship between […]

Zi Wu Qigong with Master Liu He – Livestream

Reset your Yin and Yang clock! Master Liu He states that all of our Yin and Yang Qi is misplaced due to our crazy modern life. This workshop will focus on Zi Wu Qigong in order to align with the Winter Solstice and begin the new year with in a state of harmony. Zi Wu […]

Feng Shui 2023 Forecasting with Master Liu He – RECORDING Now Available

Black Rabbit Walks into the Blue Dragon's Cave-Class Recording Now Available for Purchase IN ENGLISH ONLY The year of the Water Rabbit begins January 22, 2023, and ends February 9, 2024. What will the 2023 Water Rabbit Year bring us?Master Liu He recently taught about the 2023 Nine Flying Stars influence for the Year of the Water Rabbit. […]

Cours hebdomadaire pour démarrer une nouvelle année 2023 avec une nouvelle pensée Via Zoom, en français

"Le Classique de la Purification de la Moelle" Auto-massage & Qigong Thérapeutique Taoïste Horaires: Mercredi de 19h30 à 21h00 (horaires de l’Europe) Pendant les cours hebdomadaires aura lieu le nouvel an chinois, Maître Liu He vous donnera également des conseils pour vivre une année du Lapin d'Eau harmonieuse. Les personnes atteintes du syndrome de post-COVID 19 souffrent de […]

One Thousand Eyes Buddha & Mien Shiang (Face Reading) with Master Liu He-LiveStream

Special offering! 16-hour course One Thousand Eye  & Mien Shiang  NEW YEAR NEW VISION, NEW FACE! The year 2023, is an exceptional year with the end and transit of a new two decade cycle. What you set into place at this time, will carry you through the next 21 years. One Thousand Eyes Buddha is a […]

Mien Shiang – Lecture and Imperial Palace Facial Qi Lifting Self-Massage

Mien Shiang – Face Reading for Health  With over 49 years of expertise in Daoist medicine practice, Master Liu He brings this exciting topic to life with her inspiring lecture, practical suggestions, and useful Face Reading applications to be utilized in your day-to- day life! Mien Shiang (pronounced myen shung) is a practice nearly 5,000 years old. […]