3 Day Summer Intensive with Master Liu He-LiveStream

Acupuncturists - Now Approved for 12 PDA's through NCCAOM! Full Capacity - Registration Closed Contact us to be place on a wait list. Join us for the Ling Gui Qigong School’s Annual Summer Retreat and immerse yourself in powerful Qigong guided by world renowned Qigong Masters! We have received news that Still Meadow Retreat Center, […]

La santĂ© de la tĂȘte aux pieds avec la sagesse de Mi Zhong Taoist (Qigong, nutrition, mode de vie) avec maĂźtre Liu He via zoom, en Français, horaires de l’Europe

Dates: Septembre 6 Horaires: 18h00 - 21h00 horaires de l’Europe Dans ce cours de 3 heures, MaĂźtre Liu He enseignera : Ji Bing  -   Comment tombons-nous malades ? La sagesse de Mi Zhong Taoist Qigong (nutrition, mode de vie). TĂȘte, cou et colonne vertĂ©brale Epaules et bras Seins Cinq organes et six entrailles abdomen Jambes et […]

Protecting Your Lungs with Taoist Wisdom-Livestream with Master Liu He

***Smelling Bank*** Increase your 10,000 smell ability  Purchase Recording Below Full Capacity - Registration Closed Contact us to be place on a wait list. In this 3 hour Qi Zoom Live Stream, Master Liu He teaches simple, yet powerful Taoist Qigong and nutrition for protecting your lungs. Fall time is the optimal time for increasing […]

Qian Kun “Infinite Cosmos” Livestream with Master Liu He

Dates: September 20, 27, October 4, 11, 18, November 1, & 8, 2020 September 20, 2020 - 11am-1pm PT September 27, 2020 11am-1pm PT October 4, 11, 18, 2020 11am-1pm PT November 1, 2020 10:30am-1:30pm PT 3-hour class November 8, 2020 10:30am-1:30pm PT 3-hour class  Acupuncturists - Now Approved for 15 PDA's through NCCAOM! Full […]

Cours hebdomadaire exceptionnel avec Maütre Liu He via zoom, en français, horaires de l’Europe

Dates:  Septembre 21,28, Octobre 5,12,19, 26 Novembre 2,9 Horaires: Lundi de 19h30 – 21h00 horaires de l’Europe   ***********************************   Tie Yi Qigong Qi Gong des Lions Gardiens de Bouddha MĂ©thode dĂ©veloppĂ©e par MaĂźtre Liu He pour renforcer son armure de Qi Les lions gardiens chinois, aussi appelĂ©s « chiens de Fo », sont dĂ©crits comme des […]

Jade Woman Medical Qigong with Master Liu He -Live Stream

Registration Full Contact us to be placed on the waiting list.    Join Master Liu He as she guides you through her signature Medical Qigong form and title of her published book! The Medical Qigong form, Jade Woman is a powerful method of healing that addresses the special needs of a woman’s body. It helps […]

Taoist Nutrition & Healing Techniques for the Kidneys with Master Liu He-Live Stream

*** Hearing Bank *** Empower Your Hearing Ability and Preserve Your Kidneys Qi  Purchase the recording below! Registration Full- Contact us to be placed on the waiting list.  In this 4 hour Qi Zoom Live Stream, Master Liu He teaches simple, yet powerful Taoist Qigong and nutrition for Kidneys. Winter  is the optimal time for storing […]

Pearl of the Moon with Dr. Liu Dong – Live Stream

Pearl of the Moon is a powerful Medical Qigong form specific for eye issues. Past down from generations in the Liu family,  it is a form for activating Liver  blood, waking up Kidney Jing, and nourishing the eyes. Furthermore, it helps to reset the signals of 12 cranial nerves, especially the IInd, IIIrd, IVth, and […]

Les 12 animaux de l’astrologie chinoise pour l’annĂ©e 2021

Diamche Le 6 DĂ©cembre, 2020. De 18h Ă  21h30 (horaires de l’Europe) Le Zodiaque Chinois a prĂ©cĂ©dĂ© de plusieurs millĂ©naires son Ă©quivalent occidental. De nos jours des millions d’adeptes partout sur la planĂšte consultent encore ce zodiaque. DĂ©couvrez la personnalitĂ© des 12 signes du bestiaire Chinois. GrĂące Ă  l’astrologie Chinoise apprenez Ă  mieux vous connaĂźtre […]