Daoist Nutrition
Winter Begins! Qi Bone Setting Medical Qigong with Master Liu He Livestream
Qi Bone Setting is a profound method to restore normal mobility and alignment. The methods offer a three-dimensional stretching of the tissue. It relieves compression on pain-sensitive structures and restores normal mobility and alignment. This provides long-lasting structural change. These methods support Myofascial pain syndrome (chronic pain disorder caused by sensitivity and tightness in […]
Cherry Blossom Qigong & Daoist Wisdom for Liver Detoxification with Master Liu He-Livestream
Special offering! 16.5 hour course featuring Cherry Blossom Qigong & Daoist Wisdom for Liver Detoxification! Cherry Blossom Qigong - January 22, 2023 (Chinese New Year Day!) (9am-1:30pm Pacific) What a special day to wake up your internal cherry blossom for the Rabbit year! In addition, Master Liu He will teach how to write a Talisman […]
Cours hebdomadaire pour démarrer une nouvelle année 2023 avec une nouvelle pensée Via Zoom, en français
"Le Classique de la Purification de la Moelle" Auto-massage & Qigong Thérapeutique Taoïste Horaires: Mercredi de 19h30 à 21h00 (horaires de l’Europe) Pendant les cours hebdomadaires aura lieu le nouvel an chinois, Maître Liu He vous donnera également des conseils pour vivre une année du Lapin d'Eau harmonieuse. Les personnes atteintes du syndrome de post-COVID 19 souffrent de […]
Daoist Wisdom for Liver Detoxification with Master Liu He-Livestream
Daoist Wisdom for Liver Detoxification Sundays: February 5, 12, 19, 26, March 12, 2023 Saturday: February 18, (6-Class Series) 10am-12pm Pacific Rabbit year 2023 will present a lot of wood Qi, this means we are presented with great opportunities to explore and work with the Liver system. With Winter being a time of preservation, Spring […]