Certified Teachers

Certified Teachers

Here you will find a listing of Certified Teachers that have completed extensive practice and study with the Ling Gui International Healing Qigong School.

Lee Stuber

Healing Qigong Teacher, Life Coach
Area: Skagit Valley Washington Phone: 360-303-7964
Categories: Ba Duan Jin, Dragon Tiger, Eight Treasures, Hui Gong Healing for the Kidneys

Joachim Stuhlmacher

Master Qigong Teacher
Area: Bad Rothenfelde Germany Phone: +49-176-83535488 Website: www.dao-akademie.com
Categories: Celestial Pillar, Ma Wang Dui Qigong, Magic Square Abdominal Qigong, Nei Yang Gong for the Heart & Kidneys

Sherilyn Sunflower

Certified Teacher
Area: Corvallis Oregon Phone: 541-740-9234
Categories: Jade Woman

Wendy Svitil

Master Teacher, L.Ac.
Area: Venice California Phone: 310 749 7151
Categories: Big Dipper Qigong, Heart of the Crane, Hui Gong Healing for the Heart, Hui Gong Healing for the Kidneys, Nei Yang Gong for the Heart & Kidneys, One Thousand Hands Buddha

Kristin Swann

Certified Teacher, LAc
Area: Grand Rapids Michigan 49503 Phone: (616) 233-0960 Website: http://www.grwell.com
Categories: One Thousand Hands Buddha

Cherie Thompson

Certified Teacher
Work Portland Oregon Phone: 503-597-8684 Website: http://www.ctcounselingoforegon.com/
Categories: One Thousand Hands Buddha

Jeff Thompson

Master Teacher, LAc
Work Spokane Washington Phone: 360-828-3140
Categories: Eight Treasures, Five Animals Play, Hui Gong Healing for the Heart, Hui Gong IV - Purifying Marrow, Blood & Brain, Nei Yang Gong for the Heart & Kidneys, Nei Yang Gong for the Lungs & Kidneys, One Thousand Hands Buddha, Qigong of the Great White Crane, White Tiger, Yuan Shen

Uma Tupper

Certified Teacher, LAc, LMT
Work Portland Oregon Phone: 503-525-9642
Categories: One Thousand Hands Buddha, Yuan Shen

Sherril Twitchell

Healing Qigong Teacher, LMT
Area: Pocatello Idaho Area: Sacramento California Phone: 541-292-9063 Website: http://www.qigoddess.blogspot.com
Categories: Eight Treasures, Jade Woman, Ling Gui Qigong, One Thousand Hands Buddha

Anita Von Oppenfeld

Certified Teacher
Area: Seattle Washington Phone: 206-327-2488
Categories: One Thousand Hands Buddha

Kara Waugh

Healing Qigong Teacher, LAc
Area: Rochester New York Phone: (585) 205-6430 Website: http://www.geneseenh.com
Categories: Ba Duan Jin, Eight Treasures, Jade Woman, Nourishing Woman, One Thousand Hands Buddha, Six Sounds Therapy

Luna Way

Healing Qigong Teacher, LMP
Area: Skagit Valley Washington Area: Bellingham Washington Phone: 360-303-7964
Categories: Ba Duan Jin, Eight Treasures, Hui Gong Healing for the Kidneys, Jade Woman, One Thousand Hands Buddha

N Eraine Wegiel

Certified Teacher, Reiki Master, Reconnective Healing Practitioner
Area: Okotoks Canada AB Website: http://www.myqigong.net
Categories: Ba Duan Jin, Eight Treasures, Heart of the Crane, Hui Gong Healing for the Heart, One Thousand Hands Buddha

Brodie Welch

Senior Qigong Teacher, LAc
Area: Corvallis Oregon Phone: 541-757-4868 Website: http://www.brodiewelch.com
Categories: Ba Duan Jin, Forms, Hui Gong Healing for the Heart, Jade Woman, One Thousand Hands Buddha, Qigong of the Great White Crane, Yuan Shen

Adam Wexler

Healing Qigong Teacher
Area: Seattle Washington
Categories: Eight Treasures, One Thousand Hands Buddha

Terresa White

Certified Teacher
Area: Portland Oregon Phone: 971-221-5616 Website: http://www.terresawhite.com
Categories: Jade Body

James Whitmore

Certified Teacher, LMT
Area: Portland Oregon Phone: (503)916-9537 Website: http://www.evolutionarybodyworks.com
Categories: One Thousand Hands Buddha

Kate Whitten

Certified Teacher, LAc
Area: Vancouver Washington Phone: (360) 907- 6308 Website: https://www.facebook.com/FlourishVancouver/%20
Categories: One Thousand Hands Buddha

Carla Wiechman

Master Qigong Teacher, LMP
Work Seattle Washington Phone: 206-781-9772 Website: http://www.bluedragonhealingarts.com
Categories: Hui Gong Healing for the Kidneys, Jade Woman, Nei Yang Gong for the Lungs & Kidneys, Nourishing Woman, Yuan Shen

Kathy Wilmering

Master Teacher, MSW, ARNP
Area: Seattle Washington Phone: 206-632-9522 Website: http://www.kwilmering.com
Categories: Dai Mai Qigong, Eight Treasures, Hui Gong Healing for the Heart, Hui Gong Healing for the Kidneys, Jade Body, Jade Woman, Ling Gui Qigong, Nourishing Woman, One Thousand Hands Buddha, Six Steps for Projecting Qi, Sleeping Buddha

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Certified Teacher

These teachers have successfully completed Program 1 (65 hours of classes and met the requirements for certification) of intensive training with the Ling Gui School or studied with Master Liu He at the Oregon College of Oriental Medicine.

Healing Qigong Teacher

These teachers have successfully completed Program 1 & 2 (130 hours of classes and met the requirements for certification) of intensive training with the Ling Gui School (Self-Cultivation & Teacher Training program).

Senior Qigong Teacher

These teachers have completed Program 1, 2, & 3 (195 hours of classes and met the requirements for certification) of intensive training with Ling Gui including the Senior Teacher Training program.

Master Teacher

These teachers are not only Certified Teachers, they are graduates of our Master Healing Qigong Program. This means they have successfully completed Programs 1-6 (350 hours of classes and met the requirements for certification) of intensive training with the Ling Gui School.