Certified Teachers

Certified Teachers

Here you will find a listing of Certified Teachers that have completed extensive practice and study with the Ling Gui International Healing Qigong School.

Angi McClure

Certified Teacher
Area: Missoula Montana Website: http://www.body401k.com
Categories: Celestial Pillar, Dai Mai Qigong, Jade Woman, Ling Gui Qigong

Fay McGrew

Certified Teacher
Area: Carlsbad California Area: San Diego California Phone: 760 729-1102
Categories: Dai Mai Qigong, Jade Woman

Lauri McKean

Healing Qigong Teacher, LAc
Area: Kettle Falls Washington Phone: 509-690-7977 Website: https://powerofyin.com
Categories: Eight Treasures, Forms, Hui Gong Healing for the Heart, Jade Body, Jade Woman, One Thousand Hands Buddha, Qigong of the Great White Crane

Virgial Thomas Miller

Certified Teacher, LAc
Area: Alaska cell: 907-376-7284 Website: http://www.sittingswan.com
Categories: One Thousand Hands Buddha

Ryan Milley

Certified Teacher, LAc
Area: Lake Oswego Oregon Phone: 503-758-7108 Website: http://mtsportsacupuncture.com
Categories: One Thousand Hands Buddha

Jeanette Morris

Certified Teacher, LAc
cell: 208-660-6777 Website: http://www.awakeningsacupuncture.com
Categories: One Thousand Hands Buddha

Rachael D. Mueller

Healing Qigong Teacher
Area: Bellingham Washington Phone: 541-231-7204 Website: http://www.RachaelDMueller.com
Categories: Five Animals Play, One Thousand Hands Buddha

Shaun Ng

Senior Healing Qigong Teacher
Area: Saskatoon Canada SK Phone: 306-241-1674
Categories: Dao Yin Wu Wei, Jade Body, One Thousand Hands Buddha, White Tiger

Brianna Noach

Master Teacher, LAc
Area: Port Angeles Washington
Categories: Dao Yin Wu Wei, Eight Treasures, Hui Gong Healing for the Heart, Hulu Gong, Jade Woman, Ling Gui Qigong, Nourishing Woman, One Thousand Eyes Buddha, One Thousand Hands Buddha, Qigong of the Great White Crane

Virginia Norton

Senior Healing Qigong Teacher
Area: Prosser Washington Phone: 509-396-8276
Categories: Bone Setting Qigong, Celestial Pillar, Dai Mai Qigong, Green Dragon Qigong, Jade Woman, Magic Square Abdominal Qigong, Marrow Washing Qigong, One Thousand Hands Buddha

Nadiya Nottingham

Senior Healing Teacher
Work New York New York Phone: 917-519-9101 Website: http://www.nadiyanottingham.com
Categories: Ba Duan Jin, Eight Treasures, Hui Gong Healing for the Heart, Jade Woman, One Thousand Hands Buddha

Sarah Jane Owens

Master Teacher
Area: Portland Oregon Phone: 503-245-5096
Categories: Dao Yin Wu Wei, Eight Treasures, Forms, Jade Body, Jade Woman, Ling Gui Qigong, One Thousand Hands Buddha, Qigong of the Great White Crane, Sleeping Buddha, Yi Jin Xi Sui Jing

Nancy Oyer

Certified Teacher
Area: Bat Yam Israel Phone: +972-53-472-0389
Categories: Forms, One Thousand Hands Buddha

Lara Pacheco

Certified Teacher
Area: Portland Oregon Website: http://www.seedandthistle.com
Categories: Ma Wang Dui Qigong

Helen Paige

Healing Qigong Teacher
Area: Melbourne Australia Phone: +61 430 215 255 Website: http://www.HelenPaige.com
Categories: Dai Mai Qigong, Jade Woman, Nourishing Woman, One Thousand Hands Buddha

Scott Phelps

Certified Teacher, LAc
Work Huntington Beach California Phone: (415)654-4543
Categories: One Thousand Hands Buddha

Karah Pino

Certified Teacher
Area: Salt Lake City Utah Phone: 801.455.6398
Categories: One Thousand Hands Buddha

Julie Porter

Master Teacher
Area: Portland Oregon Phone: 503-735-5025 Website: http://www.julieporterqigong.com
Categories: Ba Duan Jin, Dao Yin Wu Wei, Eight Treasures, Forms, Jade Body, Jade Woman, Ling Gui Qigong, Nourishing Woman, One Thousand Hands Buddha, Qigong of the Great White Crane, Six Steps for Projecting Qi, Sleeping Buddha, Yuan Shen

Lance Pursley

Certified Teacher, LAc
Area: Portland Oregon
Categories: One Thousand Hands Buddha

Laurie Randolph

Senior Healing Qigong Teacher
Area: Seattle Washington Phone: 206-723-1511
Categories: Eight Treasures, Jade Body, Jade Woman, Ling Gui Qigong, One Thousand Hands Buddha, Sleeping Buddha

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Certified Teacher

These teachers have successfully completed Program 1 (65 hours of classes and met the requirements for certification) of intensive training with the Ling Gui School or studied with Master Liu He at the Oregon College of Oriental Medicine.

Healing Qigong Teacher

These teachers have successfully completed Program 1 & 2 (130 hours of classes and met the requirements for certification) of intensive training with the Ling Gui School (Self-Cultivation & Teacher Training program).

Senior Qigong Teacher

These teachers have completed Program 1, 2, & 3 (195 hours of classes and met the requirements for certification) of intensive training with Ling Gui including the Senior Teacher Training program.

Master Teacher

These teachers are not only Certified Teachers, they are graduates of our Master Healing Qigong Program. This means they have successfully completed Programs 1-6 (350 hours of classes and met the requirements for certification) of intensive training with the Ling Gui School.