Certified Teachers

Certified Teachers

Here you will find a listing of Certified Teachers that have completed extensive practice and study with the Ling Gui International Healing Qigong School.

Laura Goff

Certified Teacher, LAc
Area: Portland Oregon Phone: 503-730-7749 Website: http://www.lauragoffacupuncture.com
Categories: One Thousand Hands Buddha

Becca Goodson

Master Teacher
Area: New Hampshire Area: Maine Area: Vermont Phone: 603 869 5766
Categories: Celestial Pillar, Dai Mai Qigong, Diamond Qigong, Four Seasons Meditation, Heart of the Crane, Jade Body, Jade Woman, Magic Square Abdominal Qigong, New Moon I - Ching Meditation, Nourishing Woman, Xi Xi Hu, Yi Jin Xi Sui Jing, Zi Wu Qigong Part 1, Zi Wu Qigong Part 2

Whitney Green

Certified Teacher, LAc.
Area: Portland Oregon Phone: 503-810-4000 Website: http://www.WhitneyLGreen.com
Categories: One Thousand Hands Buddha

Sharon E. Haag

Healing Qigong Teacher
Area: Roseburg Oregon Phone: 541-733-5678
Categories: Dao Yin Wu Wei, Nei Yang Gong for the Lungs & Kidneys, Seven Day Liver Cleanse, Sleeping Buddha

Steve Hardenbergh

Senior Healing Qigong Teacher, LAc
Area: Portland Oregon Phone: 503-784-4136
Categories: Dragon Tiger, Hui Gong Healing for the Heart, Hui Gong Healing for the Kidneys, Jade Body, One Thousand Hands Buddha, White Tiger, Yuan Shen

Lisa Hart

Healing Qigong Teacher, LMT
Area: Kirkland Washington Phone: 360-301-3019 Website: https://www.madronaservices.net/moonshadowmare-qigong/
Categories: Concentrating the Hun, Dai Mai Qigong, Limit & Train the Po, Ling Gui Qigong, Magic Square Abdominal Qigong

Sarah Hennessey

Certified Teacher, LAc
Area: Melbourne Australia Phone: 04 13 672 369
Categories: One Thousand Hands Buddha

Marc Heusner

Certified Teacher
Area: Seattle Washington Website: http://www.taoatplay.com
Categories: One Thousand Hands Buddha

Michelle Hill

Master Teacher
Area: Seattle Washington
Categories: Eight Treasures, Hulu Gong, Jade Body, Jade Woman, One Thousand Hands Buddha

Susan Hones

Healing Qigong Teacher, LMT
Work Beaverton Oregon Phone: 503-307-4780 Website: Visit Website
Categories: Diamond Qigong, Eight Treasures, Heart of the Crane, Jade Woman, One Thousand Hands Buddha

Sheridan Horning

Certified Teacher, LAc, LMT
Phone: 503-703-5572
Categories: One Thousand Hands Buddha

Linda Hutchison

Certified Teacher
Area: Boise Idaho
Categories: Jade Body, One Thousand Hands Buddha

Kim Ivy

Certified Teacher
Area: Seattle Washington Phone: 206-789-0993 Website: http://www.embracethemoon.com
Categories: Jade Body, One Thousand Hands Buddha

Naomi Jankowitz

Master Teacher, LAc
Area: Boise Idaho cell: 208-947-5840
Categories: Dao Yin Wu Wei, Nourishing Woman, Yuan Shen

Kristin Johnson

Certified Teacher, LAc
Area: Portland Oregon
Categories: One Thousand Hands Buddha

Lisa Katz

Healing Qigong Teacher
Area: Utah Phone: 435-259-2298
Categories: Eight Treasures, Forms, Jade Body, Jade Woman, Ling Gui Qigong, One Thousand Hands Buddha

Barbara Kehoe

Healing Qigong Teacher
Area: Sedro-Woolley Washington Phone: 360-856-1057
Categories: Eight Treasures, Jade Body, Jade Woman, One Thousand Hands Buddha

Suk Kim

Certified Teacher
Area: Portland Oregon
Categories: Jade Woman, One Thousand Hands Buddha

Melea King

Certified Teacher, LAc
Area: Portland Oregon Phone: 503-804-0133
Categories: One Thousand Hands Buddha

Carla Kyle

Master Qigong Teacher, ABT, NCCAOM, AOBTA
Area: Boise Idaho Phone: 208-484-2872 Website: http://www.qigongboise.com
Categories: Big Dipper Qigong, Hui Gong Healing for the Heart, Hui Gong IV - Purifying Marrow, Blood & Brain, Jade Body, Magic Square Abdominal Qigong, One Thousand Hands Buddha, Yuan Shen

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Certified Teacher

These teachers have successfully completed Program 1 (65 hours of classes and met the requirements for certification) of intensive training with the Ling Gui School or studied with Master Liu He at the Oregon College of Oriental Medicine.

Healing Qigong Teacher

These teachers have successfully completed Program 1 & 2 (130 hours of classes and met the requirements for certification) of intensive training with the Ling Gui School (Self-Cultivation & Teacher Training program).

Senior Qigong Teacher

These teachers have completed Program 1, 2, & 3 (195 hours of classes and met the requirements for certification) of intensive training with Ling Gui including the Senior Teacher Training program.

Master Teacher

These teachers are not only Certified Teachers, they are graduates of our Master Healing Qigong Program. This means they have successfully completed Programs 1-6 (350 hours of classes and met the requirements for certification) of intensive training with the Ling Gui School.