Certified Teachers
Here you will find a listing of Certified Teachers that have completed extensive practice and study with the Ling Gui International Healing Qigong School.
Cedar Acosta
Certified TeacherTanuj Arany
Certified Teacher, LAcDong Bum Baek
Certified TeacherDana Balassi
Healing Qigong Teacher, LAcCarla Bartlett
Healing Qigong Teacher, RNJennifer Karinen Bauer
Certified TeacherMeggan Baumgartner
Healing Qigong Teacher, LAcKat Brady
Certified TeacherMaureen Bright
Healing Qigong TeacherMargot Brinkerhoff
Healing Qigong Teacher, LMT, LAcJulie Brockman
Healing Qigong TeacherRobert Cisneros
Healing Qigong TeacherAnn Clements
Healing Qigong Teacher Breath and Balance Healing QigongJim Clements
Healing Qigong Teacher Breath and Balance Healing QigongJean Clough
Certified Teacher, LMPElie Cole
Certified Teacher, LAcTo search by Qigong form please select from the category drop down. To search by location, name, or other information please use the text box. To complete your search press enter or click the search icon in the text box.
Certified Teacher
These teachers have successfully completed Program 1 (65 hours of classes and met the requirements for certification) of intensive training with the Ling Gui School or studied with Master Liu He at the Oregon College of Oriental Medicine.
Healing Qigong Teacher
These teachers have successfully completed Program 1 & 2 (130 hours of classes and met the requirements for certification) of intensive training with the Ling Gui School (Self-Cultivation & Teacher Training program).
Senior Qigong Teacher
These teachers have completed Program 1, 2, & 3 (195 hours of classes and met the requirements for certification) of intensive training with Ling Gui including the Senior Teacher Training program.
Master Teacher
These teachers are not only Certified Teachers, they are graduates of our Master Healing Qigong Program. This means they have successfully completed Programs 1-6 (350 hours of classes and met the requirements for certification) of intensive training with the Ling Gui School.